Christopher Sotiropulos ’10
California native Christopher Sotiropulos ’10 considers his decision to leave family and friends to attend Syracuse University one of the best choices he’s ever made. “Syracuse University helped me discover what it takes to be successful in a very competitive environment,” he says. “Throughout my time there, I met incredibly smart professors with real-life experience and it was a model I’ve been able to carry forward into my career. Without their guidance, I would not be in the position I am today.”
A graduate of the David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics, Sotiropulos is manager of stadium operations and fan experience with the NFL’s Oakland Raiders. As a Falk College student, he was placed in an internship with the Raiders, then later hired to a full-time position. “My role with the organization has changed dramatically since I was an intern, but my time with them has been very beneficial to my career,” he says. “I look to continue with the Raiders and to grow here.”
Sotiropulos notes that his years at Syracuse helped him to mature personally and professionally. “Not only did the coursework help me become ready for a career in the sports industry, but the emphasis on engaging in the community was also a focal point I’ll take with me for the rest of my life,” he says.
The importance of networking
The strength of the SU alumni network has also played an important role in his life—not only professionally, but socially as well. “After graduation, I learned how important it is to network, and I really began to understand the power of the SU network,” he says. “There are so many Bay Area SU alums and it’s refreshing to know that even 3,000 miles away from campus, there are plenty of them to network with in the area. Whether it’s a watch party for an SU football game, or professors in town doing a special lecture, I always feel connected to the University.”
He’s also maintained that link by sharing his time and experiences with SU students. “As a young alum, it can be difficult to give back financially the way I would like,” he says. “But I help students by mentoring them and offering any career advice I can give.”
Sotiropulos received financial aid during his SU years, and he strongly encourages those who can to give generously to the University. “I hope a student who wants to come to Syracuse would not be turned away because he or she can’t afford it,” he says. “It’s such a very special place, and students who want a Syracuse experience should have the opportunity to do so.”